Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Cupid just shot an arrow through my heart...

Here are some items I currently have in my etsy shop, in celebration of love and romance.

I love everything about the print and colors of these pants, as well as the Muscha-esque pose of Amelia. As soon as I saw the print pattern of chrysanthemums, I fell in love with the fabric, and I've never been much of a pink kind of girl. They just looks so....organic and supine in these pictures. Exceptions can always be made.

The pants are also made out of a bamboo jersey if you can believe it! For those of you who don't know, you really should get a garment made out of bamboo, it's wonderfully soft and supple as a fabric. It took all my strength not to horde the fabric and make something for myself, but I've desperately been trying to get rid of excess fabric and clothes for....ok, my entire adult life....I'm not ashamed.


The weather has been taking a break from pissing down rain (it's Oregon after all) so I got to get outside and take some pics of the lovely Amelia wearing a mottled fuschia and short sleeved sweatshirt. We dubbed it the "phenomenon sweatshirt" because we each had one for the winter months, and it went with everything and was easy to layer. At this point, there is only one left at the etsy store.


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